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The importance of play work in hospitals, hospices and home care is substantiated by numerous international studies. In the Czech Republic, the profession of child life specialist still has to find its way into legislation, but the results of studies and our own practice show how meaningful work with sick children and their families is. Because we are working out in the field and are in daily contact with families, we hear many words that confirm that parents would welcome more professionals who could use play elements in their work with children.


With regard to our practice, we have been approached by organisations, institutions and individuals interested in developing their professional skills and gaining inspiration and theoretical knowledge to use play in preparing children for examinations, guiding siblings through difficult transition periods, in physiotherapy work, etc. We are happy to be able to pass on our experience to those who can use it on a daily basis, helping to transform hospitals together into places where children feel safe and where they can make their own decisions about the course of their treatment.


We presently only create courses and seminars tailored to the specific needs of medical faculties, hospitals or hospices. We will be happy to design a seminar for you.


Aktuální semináře


Worskhop pro profesionální pečující v nemocnici 

Úvod do herní práce: Herní prvky v nemocnici

Seminář o zapojení herních prvků do práce profesionálních pečujících v nemocnici
FN Hradec Králové, Dětská klinika
Délka kurzu: 8h
Jaro 2025


Worskhop pro profesionální pečující v nemocnici 

Úvod do herní práce: Herní prvky v nemocnici

Seminář o zapojení herních prvků do práce profesionálních pečujících v nemocnici
Nemocnice Hořovice
Délka kurzu: 2x4h
Jaro 2025


Seminář pro studenty a studentky VŠ a VOŠ - nezdravotnických oborů

Ochutnávka EPEC

Cibulka - Domek zahradníka
Seminář organizuje Nadace rodiny Vlčkových
Středa 23. dubna 2025 od 9hod., registrace od 8,30 hod. 

Vlaštovka z. ú.

Ke Krči 517/32b,

Braník, 147 00 Praha 4

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